Copyright (c) 2016 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) =========================================== All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of US FAA or the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this specification without specific prior written permission. DISCLAIMER THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================== Editorial note: this license is an instance of the BSD license template as provided by the Open Source Initiative: The authoritative reference for FIXM is Details on the US FAA:
Contains elements specific to Tower Flight Data Manager (TFDM) not used by other systems.
System assigned total number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark, the Stand Assignment and/or the Cancellation Intent for the flight.
<element name="eobt" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The Earliest Off-Block Time at these different time intervals</documentation></annotation></element>
The time interval prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such as 240 to 120 minutes prior to AOBT (evaluated after AOBT). "AOBT-nM", where nM represents the number of minutes prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such that the actual value would be "AOBT-240"
List providing the Earliest Off-Block Times at different time intervals prior to the Actual Off-Block Time and system assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBTs.
The time interval prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such as 240 to 120 minutes prior to AOBT (evaluated after AOBT). "AOBT-nM", where nM represents the number of minutes prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such that the actual value would be "AOBT-240"
<element name="offBlockTimeAccuracy" type="nas:OffBlockTimeAccuracyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>List providing the Earliest Off-Block Times at different time intervals prior to the Actual Off-Block Time and system assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBTs.</documentation></annotation></element>
The flight initialization lead time computed as the difference between the flight’s Initial Gate Time of Departure and the Flight Creation Date and Time in TFDM.
Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access, and the time when the flight is estimated to enter and exit the airport movement area.
System assigned number of points for the timely provision of Actual Off-Block Time for the flight (whether the user provided the AOBT for a flight within five minutes of its pushback
System assigned total number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark, the Stand Assignment and/or the Cancellation Intent for the flight.
System assigned number of points for providing the Stand Assignment for the flight.
<element name="dataComprehensiveness" type="nas:DataComprehensivenessMetricsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Flight data comprehensiveness metrics for Departures and Arrivals.</documentation></annotation></element>
Indicates if the flight is currently Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) compliant in RVSM airspace, as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System.
Indicates if the flight will beReduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) compliant when it reaches the RVSM airspace as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
Denotes the flight class of the aircraft which is determined by the aircraft call sign that is in the Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) feed.
The time duration for taxi in the ramp area by an arriving flight.
<complexType name="ArrivalTaxiOperationsMetricsType"><annotation><documentation>Provides phase of taxi operations metrics for arrival flights.</documentation></annotation><attribute name="InboundMovementAreaHoldTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration spent holding in the movement area by an arriving flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="inboundMovementAreaTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the movement area by an arriving flight</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="inboundRampTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the ramp area by an arriving flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:DataComprehensivenessMetricsType
Flight data comprehensiveness metrics for Departures and Arrivals.
System assigned total number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark, the Stand Assignment and/or the Cancellation Intent for the flight.
System assigned number of points for providing the Stand Assignment for the flight.
<complexType name="DataComprehensivenessMetricsType"><annotation><documentation>Flight data comprehensiveness metrics for Departures and Arrivals.</documentation></annotation><attribute name="aircraftRegistrationMarkPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark for the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="dataComprehensivenessPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned total number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark, the Stand Assignment and/or the Cancellation Intent for the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="flightCancelationPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the cancelation intent for a flight to be cancelled.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="standAssignmentPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the Stand Assignment for the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:DepartureTaxiOperationsMetricsType
Contains phase of taxi operations metrics for departure flights.
The time duration for metering hold incurred at the stand.
<complexType name="DepartureTaxiOperationsMetricsType"><annotation><documentation>Contains phase of taxi operations metrics for departure flights.</documentation></annotation><attribute name="outboundMovementAreaHoldTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration spent for holding incurred in the movement area by a departing flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="outboundMovementAreaQueuingTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration spent in the movement area departure queue by a departing flight</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="outboundMovementAreaTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the movement area by a departing flight</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="outboundRampTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the ramp area by a departing flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="pushbackTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for the pushback.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="standMeteringHoldTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for metering hold incurred at the stand.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:OffBlockTimeAccuracyType
List providing the Earliest Off-Block Times at different time intervals prior to the Actual Off-Block Time and system assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBTs
The time interval prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such as 240 to 120 minutes prior to AOBT (evaluated after AOBT). "AOBT-nM", where nM represents the number of minutes prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such that the actual value would be "AOBT-240"
<complexType name="OffBlockTimeAccuracyType"><annotation><documentation>List providing the Earliest Off-Block Times at different time intervals prior to the Actual Off-Block Time and system assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBTs</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="eobt" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The Earliest Off-Block Time at these different time intervals</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="points" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBT</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="timeIntervalPriorToAobt" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time interval prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such as 240 to 120 minutes prior to AOBT (evaluated after AOBT). "AOBT-nM", where nM represents the number of minutes prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such that the actual value would be "AOBT-240"</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="AOBT-\d+"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute></complexType>
The flight initialization lead time computed as the difference between the flight’s Initial Gate Time of Departure and the Flight Creation Date and Time in TFDM.
Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access, and the time when the flight is estimated to enter and exit the airport movement area.
System assigned number of points for the timely provision of Actual Off-Block Time for the flight (whether the user provided the AOBT for a flight within five minutes of its pushback
Indicates that a TMAT for the flight needs to be relinquished.
<complexType name="TfdmDepartureType"><annotation><documentation>Contains TFDM-specific flight departure information.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="nas:NasDepartureType"><sequence><element name="offBlockTimeAccuracy" type="nas:OffBlockTimeAccuracyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>List providing the Earliest Off-Block Times at different time intervals prior to the Actual Off-Block Time and system assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBTs.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="taxiOperationsMetrics" type="nas:DepartureTaxiOperationsMetricsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains phase of taxi operations metrics for departure flights.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="flightInitializationLeadTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The flight initialization lead time computed as the difference between the flight’s Initial Gate Time of Departure and the Flight Creation Date and Time in TFDM.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="flightInitializationLeadTimePoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the flight initialization lead time</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="timelyProvisionOfActualOffBlockTimeCompliancePoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for the timely provision of Actual Off-Block Time for the flight (whether the user provided the AOBT for a flight within five minutes of its pushback</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Indicates if the flight is currently Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) compliant in RVSM airspace, as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System.
Indicates if the flight will beReduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) compliant when it reaches the RVSM airspace as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
Denotes the flight class of the aircraft which is determined by the aircraft call sign that is in the Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) feed.
Indicates the category of user operating the flight
<complexType name="TfdmFlightType"><annotation><documentation>Contains TFDM specific flight information.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="nas:NasFlightType"><sequence><element name="dataComprehensiveness" type="nas:DataComprehensivenessMetricsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Flight data comprehensiveness metrics for Departures and Arrivals.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></extension></complexContent></complexType>
<attribute name="InboundMovementAreaHoldTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration spent holding in the movement area by an arriving flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="inboundMovementAreaTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the movement area by an arriving flight</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="inboundRampTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the ramp area by an arriving flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="aircraftRegistrationMarkPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark for the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
System assigned total number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark, the Stand Assignment and/or the Cancellation Intent for the flight.
<attribute name="dataComprehensivenessPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned total number of points for providing the Aircraft Registration Mark, the Stand Assignment and/or the Cancellation Intent for the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="flightCancelationPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the cancelation intent for a flight to be cancelled.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="standAssignmentPoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the Stand Assignment for the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="outboundMovementAreaHoldTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration spent for holding incurred in the movement area by a departing flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="outboundMovementAreaQueuingTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration spent in the movement area departure queue by a departing flight</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="outboundMovementAreaTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the movement area by a departing flight</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="outboundRampTaxiTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for taxi in the ramp area by a departing flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="pushbackTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for the pushback.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="standMeteringHoldTimeDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time duration for metering hold incurred at the stand.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="points" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned points for the provision of accurate EOBT</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The time interval prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such as 240 to 120 minutes prior to AOBT (evaluated after AOBT). "AOBT-nM", where nM represents the number of minutes prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such that the actual value would be "AOBT-240"
<attribute name="timeIntervalPriorToAobt" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time interval prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such as 240 to 120 minutes prior to AOBT (evaluated after AOBT). "AOBT-nM", where nM represents the number of minutes prior to the Actual Off-Block Time, such that the actual value would be "AOBT-240"</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="AOBT-\d+"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute>
The flight initialization lead time computed as the difference between the flight’s Initial Gate Time of Departure and the Flight Creation Date and Time in TFDM.
<attribute name="flightInitializationLeadTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The flight initialization lead time computed as the difference between the flight’s Initial Gate Time of Departure and the Flight Creation Date and Time in TFDM.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="flightInitializationLeadTimePoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for providing the flight initialization lead time</documentation></annotation></attribute>
System assigned number of points for the timely provision of Actual Off-Block Time for the flight (whether the user provided the AOBT for a flight within five minutes of its pushback
<attribute name="timelyProvisionOfActualOffBlockTimeCompliancePoints" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>System assigned number of points for the timely provision of Actual Off-Block Time for the flight (whether the user provided the AOBT for a flight within five minutes of its pushback</documentation></annotation></attribute>