Copyright (c) 2016 Airservices Australia, DSNA, EUROCONTROL, IATA, JCAB, NATS Limited, NAV CANADA, SESAR Joint Undertaking & US FAA =========================================== All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer.* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.* Neither the names of Airservices Australia, DSNA, EUROCONTROL, IATA, JCAB, NATS Limited, NavCanada, SESAR Joint Undertaking & US FAA nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this specification without specific prior written permission. DISCLAIMER THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================== Editorial note: this license is an instance of the BSD license template as provided by the Open Source Initiative: The authoritative reference for FIXM is Details on Airservices Australia: Details on DSNA: Details on EUROCONTROL: Details on IATA: Details on JCAB: Details on NATS Limited: Details on NAV CANADA: Details on the SESAR JU and its members: Details on the US FAA:
Defines elements needed to support messaging-related aspects required by the FF-ICE/1 concept and guidance documents.
Allow to add or redefine the Message elements and create regional scope extensions. This approach is not recommended, however as the preferred method is to extend individual classes and replace the core classes where appropriate as described in the FIXM Modeling Best Practices Guide. [FIXM]
<element name="extensions" type="fb:ExtensionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Allow to add or redefine the Message elements and create regional scope extensions. This approach is not recommended, however as the preferred method is to extend individual classes and replace the core classes where appropriate as described in the FIXM Modeling Best Practices Guide. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="messageDateTime" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time and date that the communication was sent. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="messageOriginator" type="fb:PersonOrOrganizationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Sender of the message<sup>1</sup> [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
The party responsible for ensuring everyone in the recipient list gets the flight data (either the filer or someone in the recipient list). [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="recipientDeliveryResponsibility" type="fb:PersonOrOrganizationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The party responsible for ensuring everyone in the recipient list gets the flight data (either the filer or someone in the recipient list). [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
The Operational Acceptability provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="operationalAcceptability" type="mesg:OperationalAcceptabilityType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The Operational Acceptability provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation></element>
The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
Textual explanation of the operational acceptability returned. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="planningStatus" type="mesg:PlanningStatusType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The reference of the Flight Plan Version to which the response pertains.</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="referenceVersion" type="mesg:FlightPlanVersionTypeChoiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The reference of the Flight Plan Version to which the response pertains.</documentation></annotation></element>
A unique identifier for the latest version of a flight plan as distributed by the sending ASP. A flight plan version should be operationally usable for verification that the pilot or operator and ATM personnel are using the same information for the flight. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="aspFlightPlanVersion" type="mesg:AspFlightPlanVersionTypeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A unique identifier for the latest version of a flight plan as distributed by the sending ASP. A flight plan version should be operationally usable for verification that the pilot or operator and ATM personnel are using the same information for the flight. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
A unique identifier for the latest version of a flight plan submitted by an Airspace User. A flight plan version should be operationally usable for verification that the pilot or operator and ATM personnel are using the same information for the flight. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="auFlightPlanVersion" type="mesg:AuFlightPlanVersionTypeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A unique identifier for the latest version of a flight plan submitted by an Airspace User. A flight plan version should be operationally usable for verification that the pilot or operator and ATM personnel are using the same information for the flight. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="version" type="mesg:FlightPlanVersionTypeChoiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
Plain language remarks providing additional information about the flight (e.g., requested flight level changes after takeoff).
<element name="flight" type="fx:FlightType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A flight associated with the message.</documentation></annotation></element>
The status of the flight plan, as perceived by each eASP and provided within the Planning or Filing response, as applicable. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="flightPlanNegotiationStatus" type="mesg:FlightPlanNegotiationStatusType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The status of the flight plan, as perceived by each eASP and provided within the Planning or Filing response, as applicable. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="flightPlanVersion" type="mesg:FlightPlanVersionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="referenceMessage" type="mesg:FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The unique message identifier of the message being responded. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element>
A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<element name="submissionStatus" type="mesg:SubmissionStatusType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A status indicating if a message could be processed and acted on. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="message" type="mesg:AbstractMessageType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Each of the messages grouped in a Message Collection [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element>
The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMessageType"><annotation><documentation>An abstract class that specializes into Message or Message Collection and holds their common properties. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="extensions" type="fb:ExtensionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Allow to add or redefine the Message elements and create regional scope extensions. This approach is not recommended, however as the preferred method is to extend individual classes and replace the core classes where appropriate as described in the FIXM Modeling Best Practices Guide. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="messageDateTime" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time and date that the communication was sent. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="messageOriginator" type="fb:PersonOrOrganizationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Sender of the message<sup>1</sup> [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="recipient" type="fb:PersonOrOrganizationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The -one or more- intended recipients of the flight information. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="recipientDeliveryResponsibility" type="fb:PersonOrOrganizationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The party responsible for ensuring everyone in the recipient list gets the flight data (either the filer or someone in the recipient list). [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="uniqueMessageIdentifier" type="mesg:FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A unique message identifier for FIXM-based messages. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></complexType>
Complex Type mesg:FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType
A reference that uniquely identifies a specific FIXM message and that is independent of any particular system.
<complexType name="FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType"><annotation><documentation>A reference that uniquely identifies a specific FIXM message and that is independent of any particular system.</documentation></annotation><simpleContent><extension base="mesg:RestrictedFIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType"><attribute name="codeSpace" type="fb:CharacterStringType" fixed="urn:uuid" use="required"><annotation><documentation>Code Space of the FIXM Message Identifier</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></simpleContent></complexType>
Simple Type mesg:RestrictedFIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType
Helper type for restrictions on FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType
<simpleType name="RestrictedFIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType"><annotation><documentation>Helper type for restrictions on FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType</documentation></annotation><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[0-9|aA-fF]{8}-[0-9|aA-fF]{4}-4[0-9|aA-fF]{3}-[89aAbB]{1}[0-9|aA-fF]{3}-[0-9|aA-fF]{12}"/></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type mesg:AspFlightPlanVersionTypeType
A unique identifier for an ASP flight plan. [FIXM]
<simpleType name="AspFlightPlanVersionTypeType"><annotation><documentation>A unique identifier for an ASP flight plan. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType>
<simpleType name="AuFlightPlanVersionTypeType"><annotation><documentation>A unique identifier for an AU flight plan. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType>
Complex Type mesg:FlightPlanNegotiationStatusType
The status of the flight plan, as perceived by each eASP and provided within the Planning or Filing response, as applicable. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<complexType name="FlightPlanNegotiationStatusType"><annotation><documentation>The status of the flight plan, as perceived by each eASP and provided within the Planning or Filing response, as applicable. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="operationalAcceptability" type="mesg:OperationalAcceptabilityType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The Operational Acceptability provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="planningStatus" type="mesg:PlanningStatusType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The reference of the Flight Plan Version to which the response pertains.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></complexType>
Complex Type mesg:OperationalAcceptabilityType
The Operational Acceptability provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<complexType name="OperationalAcceptabilityType"><annotation><documentation>The Operational Acceptability provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation><attribute name="status" type="mesg:OperationalAcceptabilityValueType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Possible values of a submission status (Ack, Reject or Manual) [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="statusReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Simple Type mesg:OperationalAcceptabilityValueType
The applicable operational acceptability status values of the route and trajectory, as submitted. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
<simpleType name="OperationalAcceptabilityValueType"><annotation><documentation>The applicable operational acceptability status values of the route and trajectory, as submitted. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="ACCEPTABLE"/><enumeration value="NOT_ACCEPTABLE"/></restriction></simpleType>
Complex Type mesg:PlanningStatusType
The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
Textual explanation of the operational acceptability returned. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<complexType name="PlanningStatusType"><annotation><documentation>The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation><attribute name="status" type="mesg:PlanningStatusValueType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="statusReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Textual explanation of the operational acceptability returned. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Simple Type mesg:PlanningStatusValueType
The applicable planning status values of the route and trajectory, as submitted. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
<simpleType name="PlanningStatusValueType"><annotation><documentation>The applicable planning status values of the route and trajectory, as submitted. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="CONCUR"/><enumeration value="NON_CONCUR"/><enumeration value="NEGOTIATE"/></restriction></simpleType>
Complex Type mesg:FlightPlanVersionType
The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<complexType name="FlightPlanVersionType"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="referenceVersion" type="mesg:FlightPlanVersionTypeChoiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The reference of the Flight Plan Version to which the response pertains.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="version" type="mesg:FlightPlanVersionTypeChoiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></complexType>
Complex Type mesg:FlightPlanVersionTypeChoiceType
The FlightPlanVersionChoice class allows specifying an AU flight plan version or an ASP flight plan version. [FIXM]
<complexType name="FlightPlanVersionTypeChoiceType"><annotation><documentation>The FlightPlanVersionChoice class allows specifying an AU flight plan version or an ASP flight plan version. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation><choice><element name="aspFlightPlanVersion" type="mesg:AspFlightPlanVersionTypeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A unique identifier for the latest version of a flight plan as distributed by the sending ASP. A flight plan version should be operationally usable for verification that the pilot or operator and ATM personnel are using the same information for the flight. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="auFlightPlanVersion" type="mesg:AuFlightPlanVersionTypeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A unique identifier for the latest version of a flight plan submitted by an Airspace User. A flight plan version should be operationally usable for verification that the pilot or operator and ATM personnel are using the same information for the flight. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element></choice></complexType>
Complex Type mesg:MessageType
A communication sent from one location to another and comprising an integral number of fields. [ICAO Doc 9426]. The Message element is an entry point to the FIXM model.
<complexType name="MessageType"><annotation><documentation>A communication sent from one location to another and comprising an integral number of fields. [ICAO Doc 9426]. The Message element is an entry point to the FIXM model.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="mesg:AbstractMessageType"><sequence><element name="flight" type="fx:FlightType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A flight associated with the message.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="flightPlanNegotiationStatus" type="mesg:FlightPlanNegotiationStatusType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The status of the flight plan, as perceived by each eASP and provided within the Planning or Filing response, as applicable. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="flightPlanVersion" type="mesg:FlightPlanVersionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan version shall indicate uniquely the latest version of a flight plan. Two different kinds of version can exist for a given flight plan: one from the AU and one from the ASP. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="referenceMessage" type="mesg:FIXMUniqueMessageIdentifierType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The unique message identifier of the message being responded. [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element><element name="submissionStatus" type="mesg:SubmissionStatusType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>A status indicating if a message could be processed and acted on. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Complex Type mesg:SubmissionStatusType
A status indicating if a message could be processed and acted on. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<complexType name="SubmissionStatusType"><annotation><documentation>A status indicating if a message could be processed and acted on. [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation><attribute name="status" type="mesg:SubmissionStatusValueType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Possible values of a submission status (Ack, Reject or Manual) [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="statusReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Simple Type mesg:SubmissionStatusValueType
Possible values of a submission status (Ack, Reject or Manual) [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
restriction of string
A submission status of "Ack" shall indicate that a message could be processed and acted on. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
A submission status of "Reject" shall indicate that a message could not be processed and acted on, and was not retained by the receiving system. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
A submission status of "Manual" shall indicate that a message could not be processed and acted on, and the receiving unit is attempting manual handling of the message. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<simpleType name="SubmissionStatusValueType"><annotation><documentation>Possible values of a submission status (Ack, Reject or Manual) [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="ACK"><annotation><documentation>A submission status of "Ack" shall indicate that a message could be processed and acted on. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></enumeration><enumeration value="REJECT"><annotation><documentation>A submission status of "Reject" shall indicate that a message could not be processed and acted on, and was not retained by the receiving system. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></enumeration><enumeration value="MANUAL"><annotation><documentation>A submission status of "Manual" shall indicate that a message could not be processed and acted on, and the receiving unit is attempting manual handling of the message. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></enumeration></restriction></simpleType>
Complex Type mesg:MessageCollectionType
A structure allowing multiple messages to be sent together. [FIXM] The MessageCollection element is an entry point to the FIXM model.
<complexType name="MessageCollectionType"><annotation><documentation>A structure allowing multiple messages to be sent together. [FIXM] The MessageCollection element is an entry point to the FIXM model.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="mesg:AbstractMessageType"><sequence><element name="message" type="mesg:AbstractMessageType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Each of the messages grouped in a Message Collection [FIXM]</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></extension></complexContent></complexType>
<attribute name="codeSpace" type="fb:CharacterStringType" fixed="urn:uuid" use="required"><annotation><documentation>Code Space of the FIXM Message Identifier</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="status" type="mesg:OperationalAcceptabilityValueType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Possible values of a submission status (Ack, Reject or Manual) [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="statusReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]
<attribute name="status" type="mesg:PlanningStatusValueType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The Planning Status provides information concerning the status of the route and trajectory, as submitted.[adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance ]</documentation></annotation></attribute>
A submission status of "Ack" shall indicate that a message could be processed and acted on. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
A submission status of "Reject" shall indicate that a message could not be processed and acted on, and was not retained by the receiving system. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
A submission status of "Manual" shall indicate that a message could not be processed and acted on, and the receiving unit is attempting manual handling of the message. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]
<attribute name="status" type="mesg:SubmissionStatusValueType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Possible values of a submission status (Ack, Reject or Manual) [adapted from ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="statusReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A textual description of the reason a message was rejected. [ICAO Draft FF-ICE Implementation Guidance]</documentation></annotation></attribute>