Copyright (c) 2016 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) =========================================== All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of US FAA or the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this specification without specific prior written permission. DISCLAIMER THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================== Editorial note: this license is an instance of the BSD license template as provided by the Open Source Initiative: The authoritative reference for FIXM is Details on the US FAA:
Package contains the NAS specific extensions to the FIXM core FlightArrival.
<element name="actualInBlockTime" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time at which a flight arrives at the stand as reported by a source.</documentation></annotation></element>
Contains information about actual runway time. The actual runway arrival time, as reported by a source. These fields in the U.S. extension are used in order to allow providing provenances source data. Actual arrival time that does not include provenance source data should be recorded in Core.Arrival.actualTimeOfArrival.
<element name="actualRunwayArrivalTime" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about actual runway time. The actual runway arrival time, as reported by a source. These fields in the U.S. extension are used in order to allow providing provenances source data. Actual arrival time that does not include provenance source data should be recorded in Core.Arrival.actualTimeOfArrival.</documentation></annotation></element>
A published sequence of characters allowing the identification of a subdivision of a designated control area within which responsibility is assigned to one controller or to a small group of controllers.
<element name="arrivalCenter" type="fb:AtcUnitReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) for the arrival point for a flight.</documentation></annotation></element>
The point at which the responsibility for control of the flight is transferred from the En Route Air Traffic Control unit (Centre, ARTCC) to the Terminal Air Traffic Control unit.
<element name="arrivalFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The point at which the responsibility for control of the flight is transferred from the En Route Air Traffic Control unit (Centre, ARTCC) to the Terminal Air Traffic Control unit.</documentation></annotation></element>
Indicates the level of certainty of the runway to be used by the flight. Well prior to the use of the runway, the name of the runway is just a prediction. However, as the flight’s window to use the runway gets shorter, the runway would be assigned to the flight. Once landed, the actual runway used by the flight would be reported.
<element name="arrivalRunwayInformation" type="nas:NasRunwayInformationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains additional information for the arrival runway designator such as provenance and classification type.</documentation></annotation></element>
The estimated off-block time for a flight, as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System, based on NAS flight data The estimated time at which a flight will arrive at the stand as provided by the airspace user.
<element name="estimated" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"><annotation><documentation>The estimated off-block time for a flight, as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System, based on NAS flight data The estimated time at which a flight will arrive at the stand as provided by the airspace user.</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="movementAreaActualExitTime" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time at which a flight actually exited the Airport Movement Area (AMA).</documentation></annotation></element>
Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access, and the time when the flight is estimated to enter and exit the airport movement area.
Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access.
<element name="movementAreaHoldIntent" type="nas:MovementAreaHoldInformationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access, and the time when the flight is estimated to enter and exit the airport movement area.</documentation></annotation></element>
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, and includes any time-out delay modeled by TFMS.
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, or the flight is time-out delayed by TFMS
A runway arrival time which, when considered in aggregate with other flights for that Airspace User, indicates the preferred arrival sequence.
<element name="runwayArrivalTime" type="nas:NasRunwayArrivalTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains the NAS Specific arrival times.</documentation></annotation></element>
Runway arrival time estimated by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) .Runway Arrival Time - Airspace User Estimated: The estimated time of runway arrival, as provided by the Airspace User. .Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated: The estimated runway arrival time considering all data sources, as determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
The type for the estimated runway arrival time determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
<element name="estimated" type="nas:NasRunwayArrivalEstimatedType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"><annotation><documentation>Runway arrival time estimated by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) .Runway Arrival Time - Airspace User Estimated: The estimated time of runway arrival, as provided by the Airspace User. .Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated: The estimated runway arrival time considering all data sources, as determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element>
The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot. The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.
The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.
The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot.
<element name="slotSubstitution" type="nas:RunwayAcceptableSlotSubstitutionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot. The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="standInformation" type="nas:NasStandInformationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The name of the destination stand assignment.</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="starTransitionFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The name for the Standard Terminal Arrival Route Transition Fix</documentation></annotation></element>
Provides the route type for a Departure Procedure or a Standard Instrument Arrival
<element name="tfmsStar" type="nas:TfmsInstrumentRouteDesignatorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The textual designator of the Standard Instrument Arrival (STAR).</documentation></annotation></element>
If a flight is controlled and cancelled [e.g., has a Controlled Time of Departure (CTD), Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA), and Arrival Slot (ASLOT)], the slot hold status indicates whether the slot associated with this flight is being held, or would be held, by the Airspace User for the next full compression.
A time slot at an airport or airspace entry point that identifies a point in time when an aircraft is constrained to arrive at the airport or airspace entry point.
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, and includes any time-out delay modeled by TFMS.
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, or the flight is time-out delayed by TFMS
The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.
The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot.
<simpleType name="ArrivalStandAvailableIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the arrival stand is available.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="ARRIVAL_STAND_AVAILABLE"/></restriction></simpleType>
Complex Type nas:NasArrivalType
Extends core Flight Destination with NAS specific Extensions.
If a flight is controlled and cancelled [e.g., has a Controlled Time of Departure (CTD), Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA), and Arrival Slot (ASLOT)], the slot hold status indicates whether the slot associated with this flight is being held, or would be held, by the Airspace User for the next full compression.
A time slot at an airport or airspace entry point that identifies a point in time when an aircraft is constrained to arrive at the airport or airspace entry point.
Indicates the slot currently specified in Runway Arrival Time - Controlled is to be given up by the Airspace User in return for a later slot.
<complexType name="NasArrivalType"><annotation><documentation>Extends core Flight Destination with NAS specific Extensions.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="fb:ExtensionType"><sequence><element name="actualInBlockTime" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time at which a flight arrives at the stand as reported by a source.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="actualRunwayArrivalTime" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about actual runway time. The actual runway arrival time, as reported by a source. These fields in the U.S. extension are used in order to allow providing provenances source data. Actual arrival time that does not include provenance source data should be recorded in Core.Arrival.actualTimeOfArrival.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="arrivalCenter" type="fb:AtcUnitReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) for the arrival point for a flight.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="arrivalFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The point at which the responsibility for control of the flight is transferred from the En Route Air Traffic Control unit (Centre, ARTCC) to the Terminal Air Traffic Control unit.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="arrivalRunwayInformation" type="nas:NasRunwayInformationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains additional information for the arrival runway designator such as provenance and classification type.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="inBlockTime" type="nas:NasInBlockTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight gate arrival time.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="movementAreaActualExitTime" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time at which a flight actually exited the Airport Movement Area (AMA).</documentation></annotation></element><element name="movementAreaHoldIntent" type="nas:MovementAreaHoldInformationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access, and the time when the flight is estimated to enter and exit the airport movement area.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="runwayArrivalTime" type="nas:NasRunwayArrivalTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains the NAS Specific arrival times.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="standInformation" type="nas:NasStandInformationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The name of the destination stand assignment.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="starTransitionFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The name for the Standard Terminal Arrival Route Transition Fix</documentation></annotation></element><element name="tfmsStar" type="nas:TfmsInstrumentRouteDesignatorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The textual designator of the Standard Instrument Arrival (STAR).</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="airportMonitoringStatus" type="nas:AirportMonitoringStatusType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the arrival airport for the flight is monitored by traffic flow management.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="arrivalPointText" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Arrival Point specified as text</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="arrivalStandAvailableIndicator" type="nas:ArrivalStandAvailableIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the arrival stand is available.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="estimatedArrivalFixTime" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Estimated time over the arrival fix.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="holdStatus" type="nas:SlotHoldStatusType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>If a flight is controlled and cancelled [e.g., has a Controlled Time of Departure (CTD), Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA), and Arrival Slot (ASLOT)], the slot hold status indicates whether the slot associated with this flight is being held, or would be held, by the Airspace User for the next full compression.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="intendedArrivalSpot" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the location intended for the flight to enter the non-movement area from the airport movement area.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="nonMovementAreaHoldIntent" type="nas:HoldIntentType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport non-movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="runwayUnassignedDesignator" type="nas:RunwayUnassignedIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates that the runway associated with a flight is unassigned.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="slot" type="nas:SlotAssignmentType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A time slot at an airport or airspace entry point that identifies a point in time when an aircraft is constrained to arrive at the airport or airspace entry point.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="slotYielded" type="nas:SlotYieldedIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the slot currently specified in Runway Arrival Time - Controlled is to be given up by the Airspace User in return for a later slot.</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Complex Type nas:NasInBlockTimeType
Contains information about flight gate arrival time.
Scheduled gate time of arrival for a flight, as provided by the OAG (Official Airline Guide).
<complexType name="NasInBlockTimeType"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight gate arrival time.</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="estimated" type="nas:ReportedTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"><annotation><documentation>The estimated off-block time for a flight, as determined by the Traffic Flow Management System, based on NAS flight data The estimated time at which a flight will arrive at the stand as provided by the airspace user.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="initial" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The original stand arrival time of the flight when the flight is first created.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="scheduled" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Scheduled gate time of arrival for a flight, as provided by the OAG (Official Airline Guide).</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, and includes any time-out delay modeled by TFMS.
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, or the flight is time-out delayed by TFMS
A runway arrival time which, when considered in aggregate with other flights for that Airspace User, indicates the preferred arrival sequence.
<complexType name="NasRunwayArrivalTimeType"><annotation><documentation>Container for NAS Specific Runway Arrival Times.</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="estimated" type="nas:NasRunwayArrivalEstimatedType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"><annotation><documentation>Runway arrival time estimated by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) .Runway Arrival Time - Airspace User Estimated: The estimated time of runway arrival, as provided by the Airspace User. .Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated: The estimated runway arrival time considering all data sources, as determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element><element name="slotSubstitution" type="nas:RunwayAcceptableSlotSubstitutionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot. The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="base" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, and includes any time-out delay modeled by TFMS.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="controlled" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time at which a flight is required to touch down at the runway, as a result of a tactical slot allocation or a Traffic Management Initiative.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="earliest" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The earliest acceptable arrival time provided by the Airspace user for a flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="original" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, or the flight is time-out delayed by TFMS</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="originalControlled" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The first controlled arrival time (CTA) issued for a flight for the control element which currently controls the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="preferred" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A runway arrival time which, when considered in aggregate with other flights for that Airspace User, indicates the preferred arrival sequence.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:NasRunwayArrivalEstimatedType
Estimated runway arrival time by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) The estimated time of runway arrival, as provided by the Airspace User. The estimated runway arrival time considering all data sources, as determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
The type for the estimated runway arrival time determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
<complexType name="NasRunwayArrivalEstimatedType"><annotation><documentation>Estimated runway arrival time by the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) The estimated time of runway arrival, as provided by the Airspace User. The estimated runway arrival time considering all data sources, as determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="fb:ExtensionType"><attribute name="estimatedType" type="nas:TfmsEstimatedArrivalTypeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The type for the estimated runway arrival time determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Simple Type nas:TfmsEstimatedArrivalTypeType
The type for the estimated runway arrival time determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
<simpleType name="TfmsEstimatedArrivalTypeType"><annotation><documentation>The type for the estimated runway arrival time determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="ACTUAL"/><enumeration value="ESTIMATED"/><enumeration value="PROPOSED"/><enumeration value="SCHEDULED"/><enumeration value="AIRLINE"/><enumeration value="CONTROLLED"/></restriction></simpleType>
Complex Type nas:RunwayAcceptableSlotSubstitutionType
The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot. The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.
The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.
The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot.
<complexType name="RunwayAcceptableSlotSubstitutionType"><annotation><documentation>The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot. The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation><attribute name="earliest" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="latest" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
<attribute name="initial" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The original stand arrival time of the flight when the flight is first created.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="scheduled" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Scheduled gate time of arrival for a flight, as provided by the OAG (Official Airline Guide).</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="estimatedType" type="nas:TfmsEstimatedArrivalTypeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The type for the estimated runway arrival time determined by Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.
<attribute name="earliest" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The earliest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP) in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot.
<attribute name="latest" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The latest time at which the Airspace user will accept a slot in a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) Ground Delay Program (GDP), in return for a yielded slot.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, and includes any time-out delay modeled by TFMS.
<attribute name="base" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, and includes any time-out delay modeled by TFMS.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="controlled" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The time at which a flight is required to touch down at the runway, as a result of a tactical slot allocation or a Traffic Management Initiative.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="earliest" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The earliest acceptable arrival time provided by the Airspace user for a flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, or the flight is time-out delayed by TFMS
<attribute name="original" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The last Runway Arrival Time - Traffic Flow Management System Estimated modeled by TFMS before either a Traffic Management Initiative (TMI) is issued, or the flight departs, or the flight is time-out delayed by TFMS</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="originalControlled" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The first controlled arrival time (CTA) issued for a flight for the control element which currently controls the flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="preferred" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A runway arrival time which, when considered in aggregate with other flights for that Airspace User, indicates the preferred arrival sequence.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="airportMonitoringStatus" type="nas:AirportMonitoringStatusType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the arrival airport for the flight is monitored by traffic flow management.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="arrivalPointText" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Arrival Point specified as text</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="arrivalStandAvailableIndicator" type="nas:ArrivalStandAvailableIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the arrival stand is available.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="estimatedArrivalFixTime" type="fb:TimeType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Estimated time over the arrival fix.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
If a flight is controlled and cancelled [e.g., has a Controlled Time of Departure (CTD), Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA), and Arrival Slot (ASLOT)], the slot hold status indicates whether the slot associated with this flight is being held, or would be held, by the Airspace User for the next full compression.
<attribute name="holdStatus" type="nas:SlotHoldStatusType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>If a flight is controlled and cancelled [e.g., has a Controlled Time of Departure (CTD), Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA), and Arrival Slot (ASLOT)], the slot hold status indicates whether the slot associated with this flight is being held, or would be held, by the Airspace User for the next full compression.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="intendedArrivalSpot" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the location intended for the flight to enter the non-movement area from the airport movement area.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
Indicates the intent is to hold .Airport Movement Area Holding Intent - Arrival: Indicates the intent for an arriving flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access. .Airport Movement Area Holding Intent - Departure : Indicates the intent for a departing flight to hold in the airport movement area when surface departure metering or other Traffic Management Initiatives are in effect.
Indicates the intent is not to hold .Airport Movement Area Holding Intent - Arrival: Indicates the intent for an arriving flight to hold in the airport movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access. .Airport Movement Area Holding Intent - Departure : Indicates the intent for a departing flight to hold in the airport movement area when surface departure metering or other Traffic Management Initiatives are in effect.
<attribute name="nonMovementAreaHoldIntent" type="nas:HoldIntentType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the intent for a flight to hold in the airport non-movement area due to unavailability of a parking stand or ramp access.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="runwayUnassignedDesignator" type="nas:RunwayUnassignedIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates that the runway associated with a flight is unassigned.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
A time slot at an airport or airspace entry point that identifies a point in time when an aircraft is constrained to arrive at the airport or airspace entry point.
<attribute name="slot" type="nas:SlotAssignmentType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>A time slot at an airport or airspace entry point that identifies a point in time when an aircraft is constrained to arrive at the airport or airspace entry point.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
.Yielded Slot Indicator : Indicates the slot currently specified in "Runway Arrival Time - Controlled" is to be given up by the Airspace User in return for a later slot.
<attribute name="slotYielded" type="nas:SlotYieldedIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates the slot currently specified in Runway Arrival Time - Controlled is to be given up by the Airspace User in return for a later slot.</documentation></annotation></attribute>