Copyright (c) 2016 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) =========================================== All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of US FAA or the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this specification without specific prior written permission. DISCLAIMER THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================== Editorial note: this license is an instance of the BSD license template as provided by the Open Source Initiative: The authoritative reference for FIXM is Details on the US FAA:
Contains the NAS specific flightroute definition that extends the Core FIXM flight route concepts.
Contains the uncombined Fixed Airspace Volume (FAV) number containing the first Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) fix.
list of CharacterStringType
<element name="nasFavNumber" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains the uncombined Fixed Airspace Volume (FAV) number containing the first Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) fix.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><list itemType="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType></element>
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
<element name="estimatedTime" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time over the route point.</documentation></annotation></element>
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
<element name="adaptedDepartureRoute" type="nas:NasAdaptedRouteType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Adapted Departure Route information.</documentation></annotation></element>
Provides the Great Circle Distance, in nautical miles, between the departure and the destination airports for the flight.
<element name="greatCircleDistance" type="fb:DistanceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Provides the Great Circle Distance, in nautical miles, between the departure and the destination airports for the flight.</documentation></annotation></element>
The location for the flight to Hold along the filed route of flight.
<element name="holdFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The location for the flight to Hold along the filed route of flight.</documentation></annotation></element>
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
<element name="nasadaptedArrivalRoute" type="nas:NasAdaptedArrivalRouteType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Adapted Arrival Route information.</documentation></annotation></element>
Current traffic flow management prediction of en route Air Traffic Control units (centres), sectors and airspace elements along the trajectory of a flight.
<element name="routeImpactList" type="nas:RouteImpactListType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current traffic flow management prediction of en route Air Traffic Control units (centres), sectors and airspace elements along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></element>
Current prediction of the airways along the trajectory of a flight.
list of RouteDesignatorType
<element name="predictedAirway" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the airways along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><list itemType="fb:RouteDesignatorType"/></simpleType></element>
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted units. Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
The estimated time to arrive at the named fix relative to departure time.
<element name="predictedFix" type="nas:PredictedFixType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted units. Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element>
Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
<element name="predictedFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element>
Current prediction of the sectors along the trajectory of a flight.
<element name="predictedSector" type="nas:PredictedSectorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted sector</documentation></annotation></element>
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted unit Units: Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.
Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.
<element name="predictedUnit" type="nas:PredictedUnitType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted unit Units: Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></element>
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted waypoint Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
Time: The estimated time to arrive at the latitude/longitude waypoint relative to departure time.
<element name="predictedWaypoint" type="nas:PredictedWaypointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted waypoint Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element>
Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
<element name="predictedWaypoint" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element>
Provides the location of the next point in a flight s current modeled route of flight that has not yet been deemed to have been flown past.
<element name="tfmsNextEvent" type="fb:GeographicalPositionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Provides the location of the next point in a flight s current modeled route of flight that has not yet been deemed to have been flown past.</documentation></annotation></element>
Provides the location of the first point in a flight s (re)modeled route of flight that has not yet been deemed to have been flown past.
<element name="tfmsNextPosition" type="fb:GeographicalPositionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Provides the location of the first point in a flight s (re)modeled route of flight that has not yet been deemed to have been flown past.</documentation></annotation></element>
Adapted Route Extension for Adapted Arrival Route Fix: Contains the uncombined Fixed Airspace Volume (FAV) number containing the first Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) fix.
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
<complexType name="NasAdaptedArrivalRouteType"><annotation><documentation>Adapted Route Extension for Adapted Arrival Route Fix: Contains the uncombined Fixed Airspace Volume (FAV) number containing the first Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) fix.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="nas:NasAdaptedRouteType"><sequence><element name="nasFavNumber" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Contains the uncombined Fixed Airspace Volume (FAV) number containing the first Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) fix.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><list itemType="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType></element></sequence></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Complex Type nas:NasAdaptedRouteType
Representation of converted route The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR).
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
<complexType name="NasAdaptedRouteType"><annotation><documentation>Representation of converted route The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR).</documentation></annotation><attribute name="nasRouteAlphanumeric" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="nasRouteIdentifier" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z0-9/\-\?\(\)\.,=\+ ]{5}"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:NasRouteElementType
Extends the core ICAO flight route element information to add NAS extensions
<complexType name="NasRouteElementType"><annotation><documentation>Extends the core ICAO flight route element information to add NAS extensions</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="fx:FlightRouteElementType"><sequence><element name="estimatedTime" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time over the route point.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="directRouteIndicator" type="nas:DirectRouteIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route is direct (DCT).</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="nasFlightRules" type="nas:NasFlightRulesType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The regulation, or combination of regulations, that governs all aspects of operations under which the pilot plans to fly in the NAS.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="reEntryCount" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>An indication that a portion of a Military Route is to be flown more than once. The element includes an indication of which adapted portion of the route as well as the number of times the fixes are to be flown. It is filed in a NAS Route string and associated with a Military Route. There can be up to two of these per Military Route in the NAS route string.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="reEntrySpecial" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Count of the reentry Special route.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="routeTerminateIndicator" type="nas:RouteTerminateIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route terminates (T).</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="unknownRouteElementIndicator" type="nas:UnknownRouteElementIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string that could not be characterized as fix, route or indicator.</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Simple Type nas:DirectRouteIndicatorType
The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route is direct (DCT).
<simpleType name="DirectRouteIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route is direct (DCT).</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="DIRECT_ROUTE"/></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:NasFlightRulesType
The regulation, or combination of regulations, that governs all aspects of operations under which the pilot plans to fly in the NAS.
<simpleType name="NasFlightRulesType"><annotation><documentation>The regulation, or combination of regulations, that governs all aspects of operations under which the pilot plans to fly in the NAS.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="IFR"><annotation><documentation>Instrument Flight Rules</documentation></annotation></enumeration><enumeration value="VFR"><annotation><documentation>Visual Flight Rules</documentation></annotation></enumeration><enumeration value="DVFR"><annotation><documentation>Defense Visual Flight Rules</documentation></annotation></enumeration></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:RouteTerminateIndicatorType
The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route terminates (T).
<simpleType name="RouteTerminateIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route terminates (T).</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="ROUTE_TERMINATE"/></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:UnknownRouteElementIndicatorType
The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string that could not be characterized as fix, route or indicator.
<simpleType name="UnknownRouteElementIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string that could not be characterized as fix, route or indicator.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="UNKNOWN_ROUTE_ELEMENT"/></restriction></simpleType>
Complex Type nas:NasRouteInformationType
Extends the core route type to replace ICAO fields with equivalent NAS-specific elements. This element is the filed route. It only includes acknowledged auto routes. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.
<complexType name="NasRouteInformationType"><annotation><documentation>Extends the core route type to replace ICAO fields with equivalent NAS-specific elements. This element is the filed route. It only includes acknowledged auto routes. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="fx:FlightRouteInformationType"><sequence><element name="adaptedArrivalDepartureRoute" type="nas:NasAdaptedRouteType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Adapted Arrival Departure Route information.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="adaptedDepartureRoute" type="nas:NasAdaptedRouteType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Adapted Departure Route information.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="greatCircleDistance" type="fb:DistanceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Provides the Great Circle Distance, in nautical miles, between the departure and the destination airports for the flight.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="holdFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The location for the flight to Hold along the filed route of flight.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="nasadaptedArrivalRoute" type="nas:NasAdaptedArrivalRouteType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Adapted Arrival Route information.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="routeImpactList" type="nas:RouteImpactListType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current traffic flow management prediction of en route Air Traffic Control units (centres), sectors and airspace elements along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="tfmsNextEvent" type="fb:GeographicalPositionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Provides the location of the next point in a flight s current modeled route of flight that has not yet been deemed to have been flown past.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="tfmsNextPosition" type="fb:GeographicalPositionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Provides the location of the first point in a flight s (re)modeled route of flight that has not yet been deemed to have been flown past.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="atcIntendedRoute" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The current cleared flight plan route with any unacknowledged auto routes (preferential routes, transition fixes and A-line fixes) already applied.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="estimatedEnRouteDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The total estimated time en route, from the departure time (runway) to the arrival at the destination (runway) as provided by the airspace user in the NAS flight plan.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="incompleteIndicator" type="nas:IncompleteIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the NAS Route is incomplete or not.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="inhibitAdaptedArrRoutes" type="nas:InhibitAdaptedArrRoutesIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether adapted arrival routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="inhibitAdaptedDepRoutes" type="nas:InhibitAdaptedDepRoutesIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether adapted departure routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="localIntendedRoute" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan route that is coordinated to penetrated facilities. It consists of the filed route (CMS field 10a) merged with any expected-to-be-applied-by-the-controlling-center Adapted Departure Routes (ADRs), Adapted Departure Arrival Routes (ADARs) or Adapted Arrival Routes (AARs) applied.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="nasPreviousRouteText" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>This element is the current route. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z0-9/\.\+\*<>]+"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute><attribute name="nasRouteText" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>This element is the filed route. It only includes acknowledged auto routes. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z0-9/\.\+\*<>]+"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute><attribute name="tailoredIndicator" type="nas:TailoredIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the NAS Route is tailored or not (i.e., a portion of the route string immediately after the departure aerodrome has been removed).</documentation></annotation></attribute></extension></complexContent></complexType>
Complex Type nas:RouteImpactListType
Current traffic flow management prediction of en route Air Traffic Control units (centres), sectors and airspace elements along the trajectory of a flight.
<complexType name="RouteImpactListType"><annotation><documentation>Current traffic flow management prediction of en route Air Traffic Control units (centres), sectors and airspace elements along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="predictedAirway" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the airways along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><list itemType="fb:RouteDesignatorType"/></simpleType></element><element name="predictedFix" type="nas:PredictedFixType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted units. Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element><element name="predictedSector" type="nas:PredictedSectorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted sector</documentation></annotation></element><element name="predictedUnit" type="nas:PredictedUnitType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted unit Units: Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="predictedWaypoint" type="nas:PredictedWaypointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted waypoint Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></complexType>
Complex Type nas:PredictedFixType
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted fix Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
The estimated time to arrive at the named fix relative to departure time.
<complexType name="PredictedFixType"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted fix Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="predictedFix" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of fixes along the trajectory of a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="estimatedElapsedTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time to arrive at the named fix relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:PredictedSectorType
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted sector
Current prediction of the sectors along the trajectory of a flight.
<complexType name="PredictedSectorType"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted sector</documentation></annotation><attribute name="estimatedElapsedEntryTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time to arrive at the Sector entry point relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="predictedSector" type="fb:AirspaceDesignatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the sectors along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:PredictedUnitType
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted unit Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.
Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.
<complexType name="PredictedUnitType"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted unit Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation><attribute name="estimatedElapsedEntryTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time to arrive at the Unit (Center/ARTCC) entry point relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="predictedUnit" type="fb:AirspaceDesignatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:PredictedWaypointType
Contains information about flight traversal of predicted waypoint Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).
Time: The estimated time to arrive at the latitude/longitude waypoint relative to departure time.
<complexType name="PredictedWaypointType"><annotation><documentation>Contains information about flight traversal of predicted waypoint Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="predictedWaypoint" type="fb:SignificantPointType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the waypoints of the trajectory for a flight, where these predictions are based on all the information available to the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="estimatedElapsedTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Time: The estimated time to arrive at the latitude/longitude waypoint relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Simple Type nas:IncompleteIndicatorType
Indicates whether the NAS Route is incomplete or not.
<simpleType name="IncompleteIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the NAS Route is incomplete or not.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="INCOMPLETE"/></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:InhibitAdaptedArrRoutesIndicatorType
Indicates whether adapted arrival routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.
<simpleType name="InhibitAdaptedArrRoutesIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether adapted arrival routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="INHIBIT_ADAPTED_ARRIVAL_ROUTES"/></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:InhibitAdaptedDepRoutesIndicatorType
Indicates whether adapted departure routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.
<simpleType name="InhibitAdaptedDepRoutesIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether adapted departure routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="INHIBIT_ADAPTED_DEPARTURE_ROUTES"/></restriction></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:TailoredIndicatorType
Indicates whether the NAS Route is tailored or not (i.e., a portion of the route string immediately after the departure aerodrome has been removed).
<simpleType name="TailoredIndicatorType"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the NAS Route is tailored or not (i.e., a portion of the route string immediately after the departure aerodrome has been removed).</documentation></annotation><restriction base="xs:string"><enumeration value="TAILORED"/></restriction></simpleType>
Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.
<attribute name="nasRouteAlphanumeric" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Departure Route (ADR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied. This field contains the route string with an Adapted Arrival Route (AAR) to be provided to the controller at the time the auto-route is applied.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).
<attribute name="nasRouteIdentifier" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The five character identifier used to internally identify an adapted arrival route. The identifier used to internally identify the Adapted Departure Route (ADR). The five character identifier is used to internally identify an Adapted Departure Arrival Route (ADAR).</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z0-9/\-\?\(\)\.,=\+ ]{5}"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute>
<attribute name="directRouteIndicator" type="nas:DirectRouteIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route is direct (DCT).</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="nasFlightRules" type="nas:NasFlightRulesType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The regulation, or combination of regulations, that governs all aspects of operations under which the pilot plans to fly in the NAS.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
An indication that a portion of a Military Route is to be flown more than once. The element includes an indication of which adapted portion of the route as well as the number of times the fixes are to be flown. It is filed in a NAS Route string and associated with a Military Route. There can be up to two of these per Military Route in the NAS route string.
<attribute name="reEntryCount" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>An indication that a portion of a Military Route is to be flown more than once. The element includes an indication of which adapted portion of the route as well as the number of times the fixes are to be flown. It is filed in a NAS Route string and associated with a Military Route. There can be up to two of these per Military Route in the NAS route string.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="reEntrySpecial" type="fb:CountType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Count of the reentry Special route.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="routeTerminateIndicator" type="nas:RouteTerminateIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string indicates that the route terminates (T).</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="unknownRouteElementIndicator" type="nas:UnknownRouteElementIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The character data parsed by the Traffic Flow Management System from the route string that could not be characterized as fix, route or indicator.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="estimatedElapsedTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time to arrive at the named fix relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="estimatedElapsedEntryTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time to arrive at the Sector entry point relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="predictedSector" type="fb:AirspaceDesignatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the sectors along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="estimatedElapsedEntryTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The estimated time to arrive at the Unit (Center/ARTCC) entry point relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="predictedUnit" type="fb:AirspaceDesignatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Current prediction of the en route Air Traffic Control units (centres) along the trajectory of a flight.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="estimatedElapsedTime" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Time: The estimated time to arrive at the latitude/longitude waypoint relative to departure time.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="atcIntendedRoute" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The current cleared flight plan route with any unacknowledged auto routes (preferential routes, transition fixes and A-line fixes) already applied.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The total estimated time en route, from the departure time (runway) to the arrival at the destination (runway) as provided by the airspace user in the NAS flight plan.
<attribute name="estimatedEnRouteDuration" type="fb:DurationType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The total estimated time en route, from the departure time (runway) to the arrival at the destination (runway) as provided by the airspace user in the NAS flight plan.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="incompleteIndicator" type="nas:IncompleteIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the NAS Route is incomplete or not.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="inhibitAdaptedArrRoutes" type="nas:InhibitAdaptedArrRoutesIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether adapted arrival routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="inhibitAdaptedDepRoutes" type="nas:InhibitAdaptedDepRoutesIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether adapted departure routes are inhibited for use for the NAS Route for the flight or not.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
The flight plan route that is coordinated to penetrated facilities. It consists of the filed route (CMS field 10a) merged with any expected-to-be-applied-by-the-controlling-center Adapted Departure Routes (ADRs), Adapted Departure Arrival Routes (ADARs) or Adapted Arrival Routes (AARs) applied.
<attribute name="localIntendedRoute" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The flight plan route that is coordinated to penetrated facilities. It consists of the filed route (CMS field 10a) merged with any expected-to-be-applied-by-the-controlling-center Adapted Departure Routes (ADRs), Adapted Departure Arrival Routes (ADARs) or Adapted Arrival Routes (AARs) applied.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
This element is the current route. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.
<attribute name="nasPreviousRouteText" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>This element is the current route. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z0-9/\.\+\*<>]+"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute>
This element is the filed route. It only includes acknowledged auto routes. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.
<attribute name="nasRouteText" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>This element is the filed route. It only includes acknowledged auto routes. Once the flight is active, this element shows the currently cleared route the airplane will fly from the departure airport to the arrival airport.</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z0-9/\.\+\*<>]+"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute>
<attribute name="tailoredIndicator" type="nas:TailoredIndicatorType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Indicates whether the NAS Route is tailored or not (i.e., a portion of the route string immediately after the departure aerodrome has been removed).</documentation></annotation></attribute>