Copyright (c) 2016 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) =========================================== All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of US FAA or the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this specification without specific prior written permission. DISCLAIMER THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ========================================== Editorial note: this license is an instance of the BSD license template as provided by the Open Source Initiative: The authoritative reference for FIXM is Details on the US FAA:
This package contains a basic message definition prototype. Each message can contain a FIXM flight and be part of a message collection as a means to transport FIXM data. It is included as part of the NAS extension to allow basic messaging capability that is not agreed upon in the Core FIXM.
The name of the system that generated the data contained in the Provenance.
<element name="provenance" type="nas:ProvenanceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Message provenance data. Can be used by system to describe details involved in sending the message including source, center and system..</documentation></annotation></element>
The time at which the provenance information was recorded.
<element name="timestamp" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time at which the provenance information was recorded.</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="trigger" type="nas:TriggerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Message Trigger information such as the type of trigger and timestamp.</documentation></annotation></element>
<element name="flight" type="nas:NasFlightType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Flight that is contained within the Flight message.</documentation></annotation></element>
The MessageMetadata provides a unique message identifier, the origin of the message in time and location, the systemthat produced the message, and the time span over which the message data is valid.
<element name="metadata" type="nas:MessageMetadataType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The MessageMetadata provides a unique message identifier, the origin of the message in time and location, the system that produced the message, and the time span over which the message data is valid.</documentation></annotation></element>
The MessageMetadata provides a unique message identifier, the origin of the message in time and location, the system that produced the message, and the time span over which the message data is valid.
<complexType name="MessageMetadataType"><annotation><documentation>The MessageMetadata provides a unique message identifier, the origin of the message in time and location, the system that produced the message, and the time span over which the message data is valid.</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="provenance" type="nas:ProvenanceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Message provenance data. Can be used by system to describe details involved in sending the message including source, center and system..</documentation></annotation></element><element name="trigger" type="nas:TriggerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Container for Message Trigger information such as the type of trigger and timestamp.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="messageType" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Type of message. For example track update, flight plan amendment.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="sensitivity" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Sensitivity of the message</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z]"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute><attribute name="sensitivityReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Reason for the message sensitivity.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:ProvenanceType
Provenance carries four attributes that describe the ultimate source of the data to which it refers: * system - The name of the system that generated the data contained in the Provenance. * center - The ATC center (or FIR) that produced the data contained in the Provenance. * source - The source of the data in the message (unstructured, for archival analysis). * timestamp - The time at which the data entered the system
The name of the system that generated the data contained in the Provenance.
<complexType name="ProvenanceType"><annotation><documentation>Provenance carries four attributes that describe the ultimate source of the data to which it refers: * system - The name of the system that generated the data contained in the Provenance. * center - The ATC center (or FIR) that produced the data contained in the Provenance. * source - The source of the data in the message (unstructured, for archival analysis). * timestamp - The time at which the data entered the system</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="timestamp" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The time at which the provenance information was recorded.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="centre" type="nas:ProvenanceCentreType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The ATC center (or FIR) that produced the data contained in the Provenance.</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="source" type="nas:ProvenanceSourceType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The source of the data in the message (unstructured, for archival analysis).</documentation></annotation></attribute><attribute name="system" type="nas:ProvenanceSystemType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The name of the system that generated the data contained in the Provenance.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Simple Type nas:ProvenanceCentreType
Name of the ATC (FIR) center that produced the data
<simpleType name="ProvenanceCentreType"><annotation><documentation>Name of the ATC (FIR) center that produced the data</documentation></annotation><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:ProvenanceSourceType
Indication of the source of the data in the Provenance, for archival analysis. While this field has no formal definition, it might take values like: * ACID of the flight that produced it. * Name or ID of a controller * Name or ID of a pilot * Name of airline
<simpleType name="ProvenanceSourceType"><annotation><documentation>Indication of the source of the data in the Provenance, for archival analysis. While this field has no formal definition, it might take values like: * ACID of the flight that produced it. * Name or ID of a controller * Name or ID of a pilot * Name of airline</documentation></annotation><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType>
Simple Type nas:ProvenanceSystemType
Name of the flight data system that produced the data.
<simpleType name="ProvenanceSystemType"><annotation><documentation>Name of the flight data system that produced the data.</documentation></annotation><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"/></simpleType>
Complex Type nas:TriggerType
Container for Message Trigger information such as the type of trigger and timestamp.
<complexType name="TriggerType"><annotation><documentation>Container for Message Trigger information such as the type of trigger and timestamp.</documentation></annotation><sequence><element name="timestamp" type="fb:TimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Trigger timestamp</documentation></annotation></element></sequence><attribute name="triggerType" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Describes the message trigger type.</documentation></annotation></attribute></complexType>
Complex Type nas:NasMessageType
FlightMessage is used to transmit FIXM flight objects.
<complexType name="NasMessageType"><annotation><documentation>FlightMessage is used to transmit FIXM flight objects.</documentation></annotation><complexContent><extension base="mesg:AbstractMessageType"><sequence><element name="flight" type="nas:NasFlightType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>Flight that is contained within the Flight message.</documentation></annotation></element><element name="metadata" type="nas:MessageMetadataType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><annotation><documentation>The MessageMetadata provides a unique message identifier, the origin of the message in time and location, the system that produced the message, and the time span over which the message data is valid.</documentation></annotation></element></sequence></extension></complexContent></complexType>
<attribute name="centre" type="nas:ProvenanceCentreType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The ATC center (or FIR) that produced the data contained in the Provenance.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="source" type="nas:ProvenanceSourceType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The source of the data in the message (unstructured, for archival analysis).</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="system" type="nas:ProvenanceSystemType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>The name of the system that generated the data contained in the Provenance.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="messageType" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Type of message. For example track update, flight plan amendment.</documentation></annotation></attribute>
<attribute name="sensitivity" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Sensitivity of the message</documentation></annotation><simpleType><restriction base="fb:CharacterStringType"><pattern value="[A-Z]"/></restriction></simpleType></attribute>
<attribute name="sensitivityReason" type="fb:CharacterStringType" use="optional"><annotation><documentation>Reason for the message sensitivity.</documentation></annotation></attribute>